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Sunday Fun Day

The "Better Barlow Group" held their first cruise of the year on May 1st, 2016. Everyone met at Deerfoot Mall at 1:30 and departed on our journey at 2:15 after the rest of the people coming from the south end of town showed up together. Taking the 1A from Calgary to the Mcdonalds in Canmore was the route to be taken to meet up with others that lived there to continue to our first destination Mt. Norquay, consisting of switchbacks going up the mountain to the resort and look offs. Once we got to the look off point i realized my power steering line started leaking super bad on the way up and took my belt off to save and stop the small trail of fluid i brought up with the mountain with me. As beautiful as it sitting at the top in the 25+ degree weather, Brandon, whom organized this cruise made reservations for the 28 or so of us to eat at Tony Romas back in town. After supper a handfull of us got ice cream on the main street and retreated back to our cars to head home. The group of us that were left took the 1A back to Calgary as it's less busy in the evening, we got to drive a bit more spiritedly. Beautiful first day of May, awesome day hanging out and cruising with some friends, great way to finish off the weekend.


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